Morshadi Reads

Episode 0 - Prologue


Well I am, I'm starting a new thing.

If you followed me somewhere else, I've also the host of the “Wish I Could Play” podcast. Seen on streaming channels like Beth Domon on Twitch and TikTok. I have my own streaming channel at MorShadi, MorShadi everywhere, And recently people have been saying they really like my voice. And that they would like me to read things.

I applied for a reading job. But, I was denied. I don't have the experience. I don't really have the equipment set up, but it sparked something at me. More positive came out of it than a than a negative. I was disappointed, but I wasn't surprised. But I kind of wanted to do this, so I decided, why not start up a new podcast and I started up “MorShadi Reads”, which is this is going to be the inaugural episode and just to kind of give you an idea, I am going to just post episodes of me reading short stories, poems, hell, maybe even math equations? I don't know.

They're all going to be public domain. They'll be pulled from Library of Congress. They'll be pulled from the Gutenberg project. Short literary websites, anything that I could just kind of get my hands on. All copyright free, freely available. I have some writer friends, I'll see if I can get a hold of them and if I can read their stuff because they are amazing writers.

This is very much a passion project for me, mainly to improve my speaking skills, to improve my diction skills, to improve my narration skills. This is not a job that I normally do. But it's something that I think would help me in my day-to-day life and as well maybe to help me get to my final goals.

So thank you so much for downloading this episode. I don't know when the first episode after this will come out, but hopefully it'll be very, very soon. And again, thank you for listening to “MorShadi Reads”.

Chapter 1 - Aesop's Fables


Welcome to the first episode of MorShadi Reads. Thank you so much for coming back for the next episode. So for this first iteration of this podcast, I thought maybe I would go really simple with some simple stories. And what can be simpler than Aesop's Fables? Aesop Fables are just, kind of really everyone kind of knows them in some way shape or form, right? They're really, really old and how public more domain can they? You've probably have heard of these stories all over the place. The Wolf and the Lamb. And I'm going to be reading a few of them today. Some of them are, by request, a couple of them have been requested in the Twitch chat when I recorded this on Sunday. So if you want to be able to request a short story, join me on Sundays for my podcasting Pomodoro Stream, so I'm currently doing this right now, live on stream now. You can't hear me because I've muted my mic on stream, but you can kind of vibe with me, watch me be really silly on camera and maybe chill with some lofi girl, cuz that's going on in the background.  

The Library - Library of Short Stories


I want to thank everyone for listening throughout this entire episode. And for everything that everyone has done for me, Beth Domon, on Beth Domon on Twitch and TikTok for giving me the opportunity to always be on her stream whenever she asked me to or I just forced myself upon her stream her chat for being just so amazing. I have this has been a lot of fun and I will continue doing this. I've asked for people to submit things to me. I will read them on this podcast, or maybe I'll just read them and hand them back. I don't know. I'm going to be continuing this for next week. I will be posting this as soon as possible. As well, and thank you again so much for showing up on Sunday. We had Seabert, a friend of mine from a different side of my world, Beth, Androl, Possum, and I'm sure there's plenty more than I am for getting and I do apologize, I didn't write them down. So again, thank you so much for listening to this and stay tuned just for just after the music here because you might get a little bit of a blooper, and thank you again.  


Unwilling to lose his nuts but unable to *uncontrolled laughter* 

Chapter 2 - Swedish Meatballs ( *Explicit )


Welcome back to MorShadi Reads. Hello. This is going to be a very special episode for me. Especially the reason for it. This is very different from the previous episode, and any episodes that I'm actually going to be doing from here on out. In particular, because this is an episode that was born out of honestly kind of a joke and kind of a challenge, a little background on this episode. 

The reason it happened is because while I was on Beth Domon’s stream on the Beth Domon channel on Twitch and on TikTok we were playing Overwatch and it was our last game of the night and for whatever reason I decided hey, you know, let's get Beth Domon on TikTok to 100,000 likes. I think they had already gotten to 70,000, which is actually pretty damn good. Uh, just to say straight off the bat. Congratulations. Good job. We had maybe like 5 minutes left on that game that we were playing. Getting 30,000 likes was going to be an impossible task, right? And I was like, hey, TikTok and we had been playing around a lot that that day. And I said, TikTok, if you can get us to 100,000 likes, I will read some Overwatch smut for my next episode of the podcast. And god damn did TikTok show out within minutes that to TikTok Live got 100,000 likes minutes, 30,000 likes within minutes. 

So this is my promise, this is my uh, my Overwatch smut to be completed. And you know, this has been an interesting episode to record. Personally, this is going, this has been a very interesting experience for me. I've never really read smut myself and and I don't know anything about the background history of Overwatch stuff. I play it. I don't really get into it. 

Doing some deep dive research on this I can see that people really, really, really like this stuff. There has been a lot. Now I asked for suggestions from people because again, I don't know where to start and I did get a suggestion one. From Frosted Dream 420 on the Beth Domon discord, thank you Frosted Dream. The name of this Overwatch fan fiction is Swedish Meatballs by an author by the name of  DAIHIOS. It will be linked in the description.  

Now I will say that you will need to make sure to read the content warnings on this there is going to be some exhibitionism. There is going to be some dirty talk, some there is a little bit of a humiliation in there as part of the kink. So if you are needing to know what content warnings are, I will be putting them in in the actual description. As well as, please go ahead and click on that link for the archive of our own and all the description tags will be there. It is very adult. I have marked this episode as explicit. So please, please, please understand that this is an explicit podcast.

I will also have a message at the end of this outro about changes that to this podcast because of what happened to, not to me, but because of this episode, I will be changing up the format of this podcast just a little bit. So without further ado. Welcome to the Overwatch Smut and the fan fiction “Swedish Meatballs”. 

The following story has the additional tags of small penis, small Dom, big sub, small penis humiliation, oral sex, come swallowing, masturbation, exhibitionism, open relationships, open marriage, dirty talk. 

Summary: A little self-indulging story between Reinhardt Wilhelm and Torbjorn Lindholm. This story has been presented as written.  

Swedish Meatballs - Archive of Our Own

If you've made it this far, thank you. Thank you so much for doing that. This is actually my first again foray into reading anything like this at voice over work of any kind. And as I noted at the beginning of this episode, there is going to be a change in this. In my initial plan was just to kind of just short story readings of things and and they were all just going to be non or copyright free works and I was just going to reach back into old stories and that, and I'm still going to do those things. But this is now going to become more of probably of a space of reading peoples fan fiction work. 

The reason being I think is because I think that there might be more of a call for this and people have actually asked me to read their things, read them out loud, and in particular there have been some people that wanted me to do something called Boyfriend ASMR. I'm going to have to look that up. So. Please see the the warnings below. I have changed this podcast to an explicit podcast because a lot of these things will have explicit topics to them which might mean that this podcast might be removed from some podcast catchers. Apple Podcasts in particular, are very discriminating when it comes to their podcasts, so if it does fall off on that, please know that a lot of other ones like Spotify and things of that nature, Google Podcasts, and then just the other podcasts are still listing those and will generally spread out if you can't find it on the Apple Podcast anymore because I changed it to the explicit setting. Please visit my website at and then you can see it there using my ACAST FM player, you can actually also go to the ACAST website of my podcast and listen to it there. Catch it on all the other things and you can actually grab the URL and pop it into a third party podcast. So I apologize if it does fall off the Apple Podcast app. I will try to make sure that doesn't happen, but you never know. 

Again, thank you so much for listening to this. Thank you so much for for waiting so long TikTok, TikTok, you were amazing. Please continue to support Beth Domon and continue everybody that she supports. Everybody who has been in this this space is amazing. Please join the discord we'll be doing some more and extra things in there. I'm the admin in that in that server, so I'll be changing some things around to help everyone get get metal ranked up. We all know how horrible Overwatch is with their rankings. We're going to try to uplift you know everybody and get them up into higher levels. I'll also be starting to do more community like things outside of the streaming space, so we can all maybe play some jackbox games and things of that nature. So again, I say this, I’ve already said this billions of times. But thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If you have anything you want me to read, please e-mail me at,  I’ll have that in the description box below and below like as if I have, I'm talking to YouTube, silly me. README@ You can also just e-mail me at But thank you so much and I'll see you next episode.